Get Out The Way

Most of my life is lived with constant theme songs and movie quotes running through my head. In conversation with you, you can assume that I am recalling a song or line in a movie that was sparked by something you just said. I have learned in my forty years of life to not feel the need to always sing the song out loud, and then try to explain it. It was hard and slightly awkward for everyone involved. I am growing as a person! So this morning, when I accomplished something hard, this song was playing in my head.

I was recruited by my husband to test out the workouts for the yearly competition that we put on. I am never on the RX team, and I am happy about that. My good, and super duper strong friend Leslie, takes that role. However, this year she chose to partake in the competition, thus she could not know insider information about the workouts. In other words, she was not allowed to do the workouts, and I was next in line.

You could say I went to bed a little nervous. I woke up a little nervous, and decided that I needed to put on my WARRIOR crop top to give me a boost of boldness for the morning. Long story short, I did it. I didn’t do it as well as Leslie, and during one WOD had to lower the weight a bit to accomplish the lift, but the feeling on the drive home was awesome and I reflected on the importance of hard things. I was so proud of myself for doing it. I mean before the second workout, the cotton mouth was real, I honestly feared making a fool of myself, and disappointing my people. Which is so funny to think they would be disappointed in a workout, but that’s the mind for ya. I was really comfortable in the category I had been placed in at the gym. Being a mom of three, homeschooling those three awesome-sauce kids, and needing the gym as an outlet for my friends and fun, I don’t let myself take it all too serious. However, there are occasions when we need to see what we are made of. Moments when we need to stare something hard straight in the eyes, and not back down. No excuses, no way out, just go through it, and do what is required to get the job done.

My husband loves hard things, it pumps him up in a way that is not normal. But watching and learning from him for the past nineteen years has taught me a lot. It honestly tears me up to think of the little girl that he married, who feared so much, and shrank in so many areas of her life for more reasons than we have time for, and now seeing who I have become. I want to keep growing and always will. It is the hard that has been my greatest teacher. The moments when it was just me and the Lord, and the only way through was faith and moving forward. My trust was built in the Lord through the hard. Not having humans hands to catch me, and only having the reliance on my perfect, loving, heavenly Father grew my trust in Him, and formed an unbreakable bond that I am so grateful for.

So when I walked up to that bar today, with a weight on there that I wasn’t sure I could lift, I gave it a nod, and whispered, “Come on baby girl, you got this.” I was speaking on behalf of the Lord when I said this to myself. I say it all the time, because He is there beside me and I know that’s what he would be chanting. He is there cheering me on, and pushing me to a new level of capacity. I love Him for it. I trust Him.

What are you afraid of? What holds you back from moving forward and using this life that you are given to glorify and serve your Heavenly Father? Mark my words, it will be hard. You will need to fight through the lies and the noise. You will need to break some chains that life, childhood, and relationships have put on you, and ask the Lord to give you a new vision of you. How does He see you? You are more than a conqueror in Christ. Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. Go do something hard, something that will require faith, and stepping out. Then do it again, and again, and again until this life on earth is over.

Get out the way and get going!!!!

P.S. I wanted to post the song, so you could jam and get pumped up (which I found is actually called “MOVE” by I Ludacris), however, it is not appropriate. I was unaware of all the lyrics, as the only take away I have from this song is “Get out the way.” So, if you choose to google it, find the edited version! Better yet, don’t look it up. 😉