Let’s face it, there is a stigma towards homeschoolers. I believe it is starting to fade as it becomes a more and more popular schooling option, but none the less, the lingering idea that these poor little humans are trapped inside with no social outlet is a hard one to die.
I remember the first year that I started to homeschool, and I dreaded going out and about with my kids during school hours. I would brace myself for the looks I would receive, and all the questions, wrapped in well meaning concern. It was an adjustment for sure, and my skin grew thicker in the process.
Lucky for us, our family does an excellent job of making fun of ourselves, and not taking things too serious. Thus, the phrase “HOME-COOL” was born. You see, I didn’t want my kids to give homeschoolers a bad wrap, (this is being said with much humor and sarcasm) so before we would enter public, I would give them a pep talk. ” Okay kids, remember, we gotta represent the multitude: we are going to be kind, respectful, shine the light of Jesus.” And then one day, it just popped out, “You are not homeschoolers, you are home-coolers!” And there is was, the phrase that would never die, and my children wishing it would. I would gently whisper in their ears when they were being obnoxious, “home-cooled….not homeschooled, remember.” I found more joy in this phrase then necessary! It isn’t that I even care about their coolness- I mean how is that measured anyway? It was just hilarious in my mind, and as a homeschooling mom, humor is gold. It is a survival tactic. And if I can bring any amount of joy to my day, by using this phrase, then it has served its purpose.
Mommas, we can’t take it to serious. I mean there are things that need to be accomplished, and their education is of high regard, but I want to look back and know that there was joy and laughter in the nooks and crannies of it all. I want my children to look back on their time with me as “teacher” with quirky smiles on their faces, recalling my odd antics, and deep desire to make their time with me beautiful. I want them to remember the beauty in the laughter, the beauty that came from the hard, and the beauty from the everyday life that we chose to live.
So say it…”home-cool.” You have to admit, you can’t help but smile when you do. It rolls of the lips so well. Next, give yourself some grace, and lean into the joy of it all. Our kids really are too cool for school, and what this world is trying to offer them, and you momma, are sacrificing so much to be a part of their schooling journey. Work hard in this role, but equally laugh and enjoy the ride. It goes way too fast!